Flor & Fjaere

It takes half an hour from Stavanger, then we are there. I first notice the scent of honey. Because, right now, the flowers are everywhere. The sweet smell hits my nose, but after a short walk, my eyes gets even more stimulated. Everything is well balanced, the colours of the flowers are well chosen, everything matches perfect.

Did you know that «Flor & Fjære» has 35000 visitors each year? Despite the huge number of visitors, it doesn’t feel crowded. Everything is well organised, and I don’t fell that it’s crowded. Guiding, and diner, is handled in an effective way, we are walking in small groups, so that the visitors are dispersed all over a large area. As a result, the experience is a calm and relaxing walk in an unique park.

Overheard from another visitor: «I have heard people speak about this place,, but it must be experienced to understand how beautiful and unique it is.»