Motorbike and hammock

Yes, it is possible to combine the joy of driving with the joy of outdoor camping.  My newly acquired bike was equipped with spacious luggage bags, and opened for the opportunity yo explore new places. In August 2012 was it time to pack sleeping bag and hammock, find helmet and all driving equipment, and se where the road would lead me.

I do prefer smaller roads with turns than speed on the highway. This time, I set course towards Tonstad. The road no 42 starts at Helleland. Perfect with a lot of perfect turns. Much better to drive here with two wheels than 4 .

Just before Tonstad is Nespervannet. I would like to drive alongside a small road which I saw on the map – but, this is a private road, and closed. At the waterfront there is a dam. Used for electricity production, and with more than enough place to park the bike for the night.

Just a few meters from the parking place were two threes in perfect distance from each other, and within minutes was the hammock rigged. Immediately did I get a reminder of why it can be a hassle to camp close to water, and why it’s wise to have a mosquito net over the hammock. The air was nearly dense with gnats and mosquitos. Hungry for food, and since I was the only warm-blooded around, I became very popular. Without any repellent, I felt brave enough to snap some photos, before taking cover in the hammock.

Next morning, a short trip to Tonstad Bakeri where I got my breakfast. Their outside seatings in the sun gave a perfect start of the day.

Following the road towards Sinnes, and then to Suleskard, lead me to the mountain road towards Brokke. I took the ride over the mountain, before returning. To add a little variation, I chose the road 45.

Yes, my first tour with bike and hammock was a fine experience.

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